Pictures of the Boys
Logan had his pictures taken last fall by Nicole Berrett and we loved them so much that we had her do it again. This time they are of both our boys, we have two kids, Ahh (it is still weird to me that I am the mother of kids, plural)! Check out the sneak peek on her blog.
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Saturday, May 02, 2009
How We've Spent our Time
Here are several pictures to show what we've been up to.
This is Logan with his Buzz Lightyear kite. Mike bought it for him and they have had fun flying it together.
To keep Logan busy during General Conference we made him a fort out of box that he colored on for an entire session. He got hungry in the middle of making his masterpiece and decided to try his special crayola crayons, yum!

A few days before Cambell arrived we made it out to the zoo with friends. It was a beautiful day.
The blue bonnets were beautiful this year so we had to get Logan's picture taken with some.

This is Logan at an Easter Egg hunt in the park with friends. He had so much fun running around finding eggs to put in his basket. He didn't put that basket down for the next couple of days.

Here is the whole family. Logan is making a great face isn't he?
The Easter Bunny brought him a Woody doll in his basket.
Here are my boys in the hospital. Logan kept asking, "Hold It?"
This is the first time Mike held Campbell.

We love our new jogging stroller. The Bob Revolution is awesome! Even Logan really like it. We enjoying going on walks around the neighborhood. This is Campbell's first walk. My Mom came and stayed for a week. She got here Tuesday night and I had Campbell Thursday morning at 4:26 so we didn't even have time to play. I am so grateful that she came. I couldn't have done it without her. She coached my Lamaze breathing, took care of Logan, made meals, cleaned, made a blanket for Campbell, and helped with whatever else needed to be done. It was nice to have the extra support and encouragement. Thanks Mom!
Logan could do this all day everyday.
Before the baby arrived Logan and I would go somewhere everyday. We would go to the museum, zoo, park, library, a friend's house, or just run errands but now we are sort of stuck. It is just too hard at this point to take them both somewhere and Campbell is still too small to spend much time in public plus the swine flu is going around not to mention I am still exhausted. The point is, we get bored around here and have to get creative. Any new ideas are so welcome. This is Logan coloring anything and everything with chalk. We have pebble side walks at our house so he colors on the fence, patio furniture, and bricks.
Logan loves Baby Campbell and as you can see doesn't let the crying get to him. He loves to randomly come give him hugs and kisses. He is already protective of his baby brother.
I had to get a picture of them in their matching pjs. I can't believe we are the parents of these two cute boys. These boys are different in every way so far. Campbell seems to be very serious and calm. He sleeps and eats really well and he looks just like Mike. Lets just say, that is so not Logan.
Don't you think you need more pictures of Campbell? He changes everyday and now weighs over 10 lbs at two weeks old.
Grandma Elsie came to help out when my mom left. Logan loved hanging out with grandma and she took great care of us. It was so nice to have the extra help and we were sad to see her go. We miss you grandma. Thank you for all your help! We are so lucky to have Grandpa Paul stay close by.
Here are several pictures to show what we've been up to.
A few days before Cambell arrived we made it out to the zoo with friends. It was a beautiful day.
This is Logan at an Easter Egg hunt in the park with friends. He had so much fun running around finding eggs to put in his basket. He didn't put that basket down for the next couple of days.
Here is the whole family. Logan is making a great face isn't he?
We love our new jogging stroller. The Bob Revolution is awesome! Even Logan really like it. We enjoying going on walks around the neighborhood. This is Campbell's first walk. My Mom came and stayed for a week. She got here Tuesday night and I had Campbell Thursday morning at 4:26 so we didn't even have time to play. I am so grateful that she came. I couldn't have done it without her. She coached my Lamaze breathing, took care of Logan, made meals, cleaned, made a blanket for Campbell, and helped with whatever else needed to be done. It was nice to have the extra support and encouragement. Thanks Mom!
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