Campbell's BirthdayCampbell turned one in April so we had a little party with family and friends while we were still in Utah. Campbell loves dogs. Doggie was his first word (besides "Mommy" and "Daddy") so I thought it only appropriate to have a dog themed party. I can't take credit for all the fun ideas, I owe Stephanie a huge thank you and a fellow blogger too. 
Stephanie made Campbell the "1" t-shirt which I must say is one of the cutest things ever (You can look up how to make one on her blog). Those are supposed to be dog ears on Campbell. I was going for a big Pluto-type ear but I don't know if I executed the thought well. I bought headbands at the dollar store and glued on felt and fake fur to make doggie ears for all our party guests.

I can't tell you how often people mention Campbell's serious demeanor. He really is a happy baby but he is very wary of strangers and is quite shy. Shy yes, but he is still the loudest baby you will ever meet. He is my little shadow and he is the a best cuddler. Campbell is really strong and is nowhere near gentle. His favorite thing to do is "pancake" unsuspecting victims (you know, the WF move where the wrestler bellyflops onto his victim). He really just enjoys doing his own thing but he likes company to observe him doing it. He is a great eater and sleeper (yes he and Logan are blood related). His hair is starting to curl and he loves the outdoors. Getting dirty is the kid's greatest joy (again, yes, he is Logan's real brother). We are so glad to have him in our family!

Here is a look at some of the food. I got lucky and found all these dog dishes on clearance so I even used them to serve cake and ice cream. I baked the cake in a bowl and then flipped it over into the dog dish to get the "full dish" effect and then I used Reese's Puffs Cereal on top to look like dog food. There was frosted sugar cookies in the shape of bones, apples and dip, chips, and then grapes and strawberries because they are Campbell's favorite food.

Stephanie designed this cute little quiz to help everyone brush up on their Campbell facts.

The puppy pinata was a hit even though we ended up having to hang it in the garage because of rain.

Here is Logan sporting the scruffy dog look.

A closer look at the cake.

Dogs love balls (and confetti fireworks? How could I resist?).

Steph whipped-up some labels for the drinks which I thought was a necessary detail.

Here is Logan going at the pinata.

This is cousin Ava, isn't she cute?

Here is the birthday boy eating his cupcake. We love you Campbell!
And then I ran out of memory space on my camera. . .I'll will have to track down more pictures of our party guests to share at a later date.
We were so glad that so many people could join us to celebrate Campbell's birthday.