Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Logan got his pictures taken and they are so cute! Check them out here then: enter site, click on Proof, and the password is logangarner. Or you can get a quick peek here. I just love how they turned out. Nicole Berrett was the photographer and she did such a great job. It was a really cold day and Logan wasn't too happy about it at first but he "warmed-up" quickly and gave us some great smiles. Thank you Nicole.
Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday, November 10, 2008
Logan was a very determined trick-or-treater. He would push his way to the front of the other kids if he had to.
The evenings have been getting nice and cool so we enjoyed playing bocce ball with Mike's dad on Sunday. I love this game although Mike always seems to win.
This was our Saturday business. We finally washed the charger but it was a lengthy process because I had to battle with Logan for the hose whenever I needed it. The kid was soaked and freezing in the shade but refused to let go of the hose. He loves water!
Friday, October 31, 2008
We went to the ward trunk-or-treat party where Logan picked up quickly on what was happening. If you hold out your bucket people will put candy in it, yum. Right at the beginning he reached in his bucket, pulled out a sucker (his favorite), and ate through the wrapper. It was a sticky mess but he was so happy!
We went to a fun Halloween birthday party for our pal Audrey(smiling and wearing yellow). Happy second birthday Audrey, we had a blast at your party!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My mother is having a Halloween giveaway on her blog (just click here to sign up to win). For those of you who don't know my mother, she could be compared to Martha Stewart. She is crafty, fun, and an awesome decorator. She made and designed the cute garland that she is giving away.
This year she hosted a witches brew party that I wish I could have been a part of, check it out. I think that this is such a fun idea. She has several posts about it and her Halloween decorations so go to her blog if you want to see all the details and collect ideas.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I haven't been the best blogger lately (but I am sure you already knew that). I am going to try to be better. The following is a result of my poor blogging habits...a million pictures from the last month that I should have already posted.
On August 24th Logan turned one! It happened so fast. At his one year appointment we found that he was about 24th percentile in weight and 90th in height. He is doing so much now. He can say Momma, Daddy, ball, dog, Bob, woof, Moo, and balloon. He also know over twenty signs now (ASL). He communicates pretty well and continutes to keep us entertained.
We threw him a little cowboy themed party and a few of our friends from the ward here came. More pictures to come from the party. This is Logan thinking about eating his giant cupcake.
He didn't get too dirty. He wasn't too sure about the frosting.
He insists on feeding himself although not much gets in his mouth as you can see. He loves silverware.
He is still really into watching Baby Signing Time. He asks to watch it like ten times a day.
He is still as in love with Bob as ever. They are best friends and they follow eachother everywhere. A week ago a board fell off of the fence and Bob got out. We looked all around the house and the neighborhood. I was carrying Logan in one arm who was carrying the leash and in my other hand I had Bob's ball. We were squeaking the ball and yelling "Bob" in hope that he would hear us and come back. Logan seemed to understand the situation and with a very serious face he yelled "Bob" with me. It was so cute. I just kept thinking that we had to find Bob for Logan's sake if for no other reason. Don't worry, we found him, he had been picked up by the city.
Logan is always busy-busy these days. He recently discovered his love for the hose. It is getting a tiny bit cooler here so we are finally enjoying the outside world again.
He was so happy and had me laughing so hard.
He was soaked and not a tiny bit sad about it.
Grandma and Grandpa Paul came for a visit. It was so nice to spend time with them. Logan especially enjoyed their stay and was heart broken when Grandma Elsie had to return to Utah. We are glad that Grandpa is still here atleast. We hope that he likes his new job here.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
We had a blast on our trip to Lake Tahoe. My grandparents have a cabin there so we went there a lot while I was growing up. I love the weather there and all of the fun things to do plus it is always an opportunity to hang out with family.
Here is the cabin, you can't see how great it is from this angle, but you get the idea.
We got to go on the gondolas and chairlifts and one of the ski resorts. (This is Stephanie, Creed, and my Dad on the lifts.)
These little cousins will one day be unseperable I'm sure.
My favorite part of the trip was playing on the beach. The water really wasn't too cold and it is so clear and beautiful.
Here are Mom and Dad playing with Logan.
More beach fun (Creed, Mike, Logan, and Steph).
Logan is quite the little walker these days and insisted on doing his own thing part of the time.
We also enjoyed kayaking, river rafting, playing cards, watching the olympics, Grandma's cooking, and visiting with family. It was an awesome trip but it ended too soon. We'll be back Tahoe!