Friday, April 27, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Anxiety at Walmart
I decided that I am going to make better dinners for when Mike gets home from work. Anyone who knows me is probably aware that I am not the most experienced cook. For the most part I have just made simple dinners such as hamburger helper or pasta or stuff that is quick and easy. I was always too tired when I got home from work to make something more complicated. Now that I have all the free time in the world, I made a goal to be better.
Today I found some recipes online that look great. I made a grocery list of all the things
I will need for the next four nights or so and then I headed out to our beloved walmart super store. It took awhile to round up all the things that were on my list. Don't you just hate grocery shopping? Anyway, I jumped in the shortest line and it was my turn before I knew it. I had a pretty good sized load in my cart so the bill wasn't tiny. I went to pay with my usual debit/credit card and to my horror it wasn't in my wallet. A few months ago we cancelled our other card because someone stole the credit card number and racked up a bill in Arizona. Mike had taken the check book out of my purse and therefore, I had no way to pay. Have you ever been in this situation? I had no idea what to do. The cashier voided it out and set the cart aside while I ran to the car to see if by some miracle I left my card out there. Nope, no card there. I searched my wallet and purse again. . .no card. It was almost 5:30 and Mike gets off work at 6:00 so I called him but he didn't pick up the first few times I called. Ahhh! I waited a few minutes and Mike called back. By then I was bawling and I am sure Mike thought something terrible had happened (give me a break I am a super emotional pregnant lady). I explained to him what had happened between sobs and he said that he would leave work right then. He is my hero and he swooped in to the rescue as always. It was torture waiting for him to get there. I didn't know whether or not to put back or trade back all of the frozen or refrigerated stuff or if I should just leave it. Well, it all turned out fine and I did end up finding my debit card when I got home. The End.
Our Kitchen
Little by little I will post pictures of what the inside of the house looks like. Here is one angle of our kitchen. It is a big kitchen so I couldn't fit it all in but you get the idea.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Mike had the Friday before Easter off because of good friday. We had to take advantage of his time off so we drove up to Ohio to visit the Ford's. On the way we stopped in Louisville, Kentucky to stay the night and to pick up the Stringhams. We slept in Grant and Cole's bunkbed. They were really excited to see that we brought Bob the dog. They played with him the entire weekend. Cole's favorite activity was to climb in Bob's kennel with him. When Cole was supposed to be in bed he would sneak over to Bob's cage to pet him. The boys slept in the basement and Bob would sit by the door and cry for them.
My favorite part of the weekend was just being with everyone. Mike and I got to meet our nephew Creed for the first time. He was born March 22, 2007. He is so cute. We got to hold him, burp him, and change him. It made us even more excited for the day our baby comes.
While we were there we dyed easter eggs, played games, and went to the Duckling Day Parade. Every year on the Saturday before Easter, a local library holds the duckling day parade. All the kids dress up like ducks and follow the mother duck around the park to mimic the classic children's book, Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey. This year it was extra cold so we mostly just watched from inside the library. It actually snowed while we were there. We watched a puppet show and the boys loved it. Then we went to our good friend's the Erneys house and had brunch. I nannied for the Erneys one summer about four years ago. They are great people.
One night Stephanie hid plastic eggs all around the yard. When the kids were asleep we got out our coats and flashlights for a midnight hunt for eggs. Everyone had his or her own color to search for and there was a golden egg with a gift certificate for the lucky finder. We had a blast.
Here is a picture of us with Creed. I know that Mike is going to be a great dad. Look how cute he looks holding baby Creed.
The Easter bunny was kind to us this year. Here is some of our loot. Last year mike decided to start a new and very random tradition of getting a fresh pineapple. I can't quite explain it. Also seen in this picture is little Cole. He loves Uncle mike.
We really did have a fun weekend. It was so hard to go home.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
There is a store in Kingston that carries slightly damaged furniture for a reasonable price. The Relief Society President told me that occasionally you could find baby stuff there so I decided to stop by yesterday to look for a crib. They didn't have any that I could see so I asked an employee how often they get shipments in. When I told her it was a crib I was looking for she took me into the back of the store. There hadn't been any room for a crib on the floor so it was being used as a storage place for a billion electric blankets. After pulling all the blankets out to take a better look, I could see that it was just what I needed. It was a display bed at a store and seemed to be in great condition other than a few scratches in the white paint.
I spent a long time in the store. First I needed to get a hold of mike but unfortunately he was in a meeting that ended up lasting hours later. So I bought the crib by myself and plotted getting it home. I knew that I would have to take it apart to fit it into the 4runner. I needed a hex wrench key to take out the screws and they didn't have one at the store so I made due with a random tool and set out to work. It took awhile but I did it. Before I left I spotted a dresser that matched the crib pretty well and I decided to get it too. One of girls working there helped me carry everything out to the car and then I fin ally drove home.
I got the bed all put together before mike got home from work. Here are some pictures (sorry they are a little dark).